Ali Moghaddamialimo

What now📝November 10, 2024 (2 months ago)

I've taken a much-needed career break. After working continuously for 5–6 years, I realized I needed time to rest and recharge without worrying about work or figuring out how to extract a type in TypeScript. 😁

I've also started going to therapy, and it has been a truly life-changing experience for me. Since I began to feel more and overthink less about everything around me.
I've started to feel more human and less like a machine just trying to survive.

I've lost some money over the past few months, but I'm not stressed about it. I've come to realize that money is no longer a goal for me and I see it as a fuel for living. I'm no longer willing to sacrifice my mental health for more money!

I've also had the time and focus to finally create my own personal website.
I'm super excited to share my experience and explore new ideas.
I hope you're as excited as I am! 🤘🏼